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时间:2021-04-27 11:06

1.法律法规 英语怎么说

Laws and regulations(法律法规)Laws释义:法律读音:英[l?:z], 美[l?:z]regulations释义:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。


Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2、他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally. 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3、中国有关法律法规明确规定了依法解决劳动争议的程序和机构。

Chinese laws and regulations clearly define the procedures and organs responsible for the settlement of labor disputes. 4、法律法规的解释和执行由财政部和国家税务总局负责。The laws and regulations were interpreted and implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. 5、根据国家的法律法规和部门规章,进行安全检查表分析;Analyze the safety check list based on the national laws and regulations and departmental rules;。

2.法律法规 英语怎么说

Laws and regulations(法律法规)



读音:英[l?:z], 美[l?:z]


释义:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。




1、晦涩的法律法规有悖于法治和议会民主。Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.


2、他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.


3、中国有关法律法规明确规定了依法解决劳动争议的程序和机构。Chinese laws and regulations clearly define the procedures and organs responsible for the settlement of labor disputes.

4、法律法规的解释和执行由财政部和国家税务总局负责。The laws and regulations were interpreted and implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.

5、根据国家的法律法规和部门规章,进行安全检查表分析;Analyze the safety check list based on the national laws and regulations and departmental rules;


law 英[l?:] 美[l?]

n. 法; 规律; 法学; 法制;

vt. [口语、方言] 诉诸法律,对…起诉,控告;

vt. 控告; 对…起诉;

[例句]Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law


[其他] 第三人称单数:laws 复数:laws 现在分词:lawing 过去式:lawed过去分词:lawed


1.dissolution 意思是解散,可以指离异。但是比较正式的还是divorce


the legal dissolution of a marriage.


-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

更常用的是指 公司等的解散 如下例:

The liquidation of an auto financing company whose operation is terminated because of dissolution, closure or bankruptcy, shall be carried out in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考

2.petitioner 翻译为请愿者 可以,但在法律中指 上诉人或上诉方


Although this language seemed to mean that the petitioner could not be fired in the absence of cause, the Court relied heavily on the lower courts' interpretation of state law and concluded that he "held his position at the will and pleasure of the city."


-- 来源 -- 英汉非文学 - 行政法 - P_行政法

3.respondent有答辩者的意思 在法律中专指 被告


The respondent signing a consent order agrees to comply with the order's remedial requirements, but it does not formally admit that it has committed a violation of the applicable laws.


-- 来源 -- 英汉非文学 - 行政法 - P_行政法



Article 1 The law is formulated in compliance with the Constitution with a view to strengthening the administration of land, safeguarding the socialist public ownership of land, protecting and developing land resources, ensuring a rational use of and giving a real protection to cultivated land to promote sustainable development of the socialist economy.第二条中华人民共和国实行土地的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。Article 2 The People's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives, of land.全民所有,即国家所有土地的所有权由国务院代表国家行使。

In ownership by the whole people, the State Council is empowered to be on behalf of the State to administer the land owned by the State.任何单位和个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。土地使用权可以依法转让。

No unit or individual is allowed to occupy, trade or illegally transfer land by other means. Land use right may be transferred by law.国家为公共利益的需要,可以依法对集体所有的土地实行征用。The State may requisition land owned by collectives according to law on public interests.国家依法实行国有土地有偿使用制度。

但是,国家在法律规定的范围内划拨国有土地使用权的除外。The State introduces the system of compensated use of land owned by the State except the land has been allocated for use by the State according to law.第三条十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地是我国的基本国策。

各级人民政府应当采取措施,全面规划,严格管理,保护、开发土地资源,制止非法占用土地的行为。Article 3 To cherish and give a rational use to the land as well as to give a true protection to the cultivated land are seen as a basic principle of land use in the country. The people's governments at all levels should manage to make an overall plan for the use of land to strictly administer, protect and develop land resources and stop any illegal occupation of land.第四条国家实行土地用途管制制度。

Article 4 The State is to place a strict control on the usages of land.国家编制土地利用总体规划,规定土地用途,将土地分为农用地、建设用地和未利用地。严格限制农用地转为建设用地,控制建设用地总量,对耕地实行特殊保护。

The State shall compile general plans to set usages of land including those of farm or construction use or unused. A strict control is to place on the turning of land for farm use to that for construction use to control the total amount of land for construction use and exercise a special protection on cultivated land.前款所称农用地是指直接用于农业生产的土地,包括耕地、林地、草地、农田水利用地、养殖水面等;建设用地是指建造建筑物、构筑物的土地,包括城乡住宅和公共设施用地、工矿用地、交通水利设施用地、旅游用地、军事设施用地等;未利用地是指农用地和建设用地以外的土地。"Land for farm use" refers to land directly used for agricultural production, including cultivated land, wooded land, grassland, land for farmland water conservancy and water surfaces for breeding; "land for construction use" refers to land on which buildings and structures are put up, including land for urban and rural housing and public facilities, land for industrial and mining use, land for building communications and water conservancy facilities, land for tourism and land for building military installations. The term "land unused" refers to land other than that for agricultural and construction uses.使用土地的单位和个人必须严格按照土地利用总体规划确定的用途使用土地。

Land should be used strictly in line with the purposes of land use defined in the general plan for the utilization of the land whether by units or individuals.第五条国务院土地行政主管部门统一负责全国土地的管理和监督工作。Article 5 The land administrative depart。

6.法律规定的英语翻译 法律规定用英语怎么说


improve relevant laws and regulations



China will maintain the continuity and stability of its FDI policy, improve relevant laws and regulations and create a sound investment climate for foreign businesses


draft 法案,草案Government bill 政府议案to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律ratification, confirmation 批准law enforcement 法律的实施to come into force 生效decree 法令clause 条款minutes 备忘录report 判例汇编codification 法律汇编legislation 立法legislator 立法者jurist 法学家jurisprudence 法学legitimation 合法化legality, lawfulness 法制,合法legal, lawful 合法的,依法的to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的offender 罪犯to abolish 废止,取消rescission, annulment 废除,取消repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律)cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同)cancellation (支票)作废annulment 撤消(遗嘱)repeal rescission 撤消(判决)revocation 撤消immunity 豁免,豁免权disability, legal incapacity 无资格nonretroactive character 不溯既往性prescription 剥夺公权attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收constitutional law 宪法canon law 教会法规common law 习惯法criminal law 刑法administrative law 行政法civil law 民法commercial law, mercantile law 商法law of nations 万国公法,国际法international law 国际法natural law 自然法labour laws 劳工法fiscal law 财政法Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法Military Law 军法Conscript Law 兵役法Copyright Law 著作权法penal code 刑法典code of mercantile law 商法典civil rights 民事权利,公民权利right of asylum 避难权human rights, rights of man 人权(customs) duties 关税death duty, death tax 遗产税royalties 版税。


Labour Law of the People's Republic of ChinaArticle 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of labourers, regulate labour relationship, establish and safeguard a labour system suited to the socialist market economy, and promote economic development and social progress.Article 2 This Law shall apply to enterprises, individual economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as employing units) and labourers who form a labour relationship therewith within the territory of the People's Republic of China.State organs, institutions and public organizations as well as labourers who form a labour contract relationship therewith shall be bound by this Law.Article 3 Labourers shall have equal right to employment and choice of occupation, the right to remuneration for labour, to rest and vacations, to protection of occupational safety and health, to training in vocational skills, to social insurance and welfare, to submission of labour disputes for settlement and other rights relating to labour stipulated by law.Labourers shall fulfill their labour tasks, improve their vocational skills, follow rules on occupational safety and health, and observe labour discipline and professional ethics.Article 4 The employing units shall establish and perfect rules and regulations in accordance with the law so as to ensure that labourers enjoy the right to work and fulfill labour obligations.Article 5 The State shall take various measures to promote employment, develop vocational education, lay down labour standards, regulate social incomes, perfect social insurance system, coordinate labour relationship, and gradually raise the living standard of labourers.。





The formal promulgation of the law



英['pr?ml'ɡe??n] 美['pr?ml'ɡe??n]

n. 颁布;

[例句]These regulations come into force upon promulgation.



Labor dispute is to show unit of choose and employ persons and laborer, based on labor contract and related laws and regulations or unit of choose and employ persons labor system formed labor contract relationship or factual labor to concern and controversy of rights and obligations.Labor disputes in the dispute settlement mechanism, inevitably involve the burden of proof. Current laws will labor dispute into the civil procedure law, the scope of labor relations besides general civil legal relationship of equality, also has its unique membership, RenShenXing etc. In labor relations, unit of choose and employ persons, laborer is one side were managers, between the managers are not equal status in the burden on the ability, also have obvious difference. But for the allocation of the burden of labor dispute is stipulated, the problem of the concrete practice against. In the labor dispute arbitration or litigation of burden for more detailed division, with scientific proof responsibility theory in perfect, better fairness, solving labor disputes. This paper tries to discuss the labor relations, namely the adjustment by law shall, labor relations, is a kind of special labor relations. Labor relations with the will of the state and the main properties and will concurrently, equality and personal relationship and property relationship with nature. According to different classification method, the labor dispute is divided into the individual and the collective controversy, group dispute; Rights and interests and confirmation of disputes, payment of controversy and alteration of controversy, Confirmation of dispute, payment of disputes, the change of dispute. In case the authorities are faced with the burden of proof allocation problem. The problems in the distribution of the burden of proof, different theories. There is a legal requirement is representative of the classification, probability, the danger field. In civil lawsuit legal requirement basically adopts the theory of distribution classified said proof responsibility. And according to the provisions of labor dispute proof responsibility, referring to the labor dispute mediation and arbitration law, regulations and judicial interpretations evidence and the administrative regulations, the provisions of the way is clear evidence rules and regulations of the article 6 of the labor dispute, but the burden of proof is too general and narrow. Overall, about labor dispute, below the proof system: (1)A labor dispute case of lack of clear proof responsibility theory guidance (2)The judicial interpretation of labor dispute lawsuit which determine the distribution of proof responsibility too narrow range (3)The judicial interpretation of the allocation of the burden that does not conform to the legal requirements classification said (4)Evidence rules of labor dispute the burden distribution does not conform to the provisions of the burden On the distribution of labor dispute, the burden of proof for different scholars. Some scholars think, according to labor dispute 7 disputes, pay disputes, management and labor contract dispute distribution proof responsibility, Some scholars think in labor law relations between the essence of unequal status, in order to effectively protect worker, should execute completely burden. The author argues that the labor dispute, the distribution of proof of labor law, according to labor law entity proved the allocation of responsibility. At the same time, the burden of proof for the distribution of labor dispute, must consider our about the inherent theoretical proof responsibility allotment, it has now been gradually mature proof responsibility distribution theory blind pursue path. In labor disputes in the allocation of the burden of proof, the following aspects should be taken into consideration: 1.With a legal requirement for the classification of the burden of proof that fundamental principle of distribution 2.On the basis of equal to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties 3.In the legislation should be fully clear proof of labor dispute the allocation of responsibility principle and system For labor dispute the burden of proof, the distribution of specific rules of civil procedure to borrow in lawsuit classification theories of labor dispute, the types and the civil lawsuit classification theories of combination of labor dispute into confirmation (of), to FuXing labor dispute (payment) and change the defense of the labor dispute (the), the burden of proof. On the burden of proof for distribution of labor dispute, laborer still exists weak evidence. Unit of choose and employ persons in the arbitration and litigation are likely to mastering the evidence material intentionally don't provide, or to laborer of 。


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