洛阳新闻,党建新农村建设,蔷靖潞影,杨雨婷 张书记
位置: 亚洲金融智库网 > 网络安全 > 正文


时间:2022-06-06 09:04

Along with the computer network unceasing development and the popularization, the computer network and the system safety construction becomes very much important.This article in the author to the local area network understanding and in the actual management foundation, first introduced the local area network security and the threat, then has analyzed the local area network security specifications, realized has guarded against the safe threat, the common virus's technology from various aspects which mentioned in view of this article, strengthened the local area network security.Finally, this article mentioned specially the wireless local area network security, has the vital role in the local area network security domain.This research for solved the local area network network security to provide the feasible reference plan.

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