洛阳新闻,党建新农村建设,蔷靖潞影,杨雨婷 张书记
位置: 亚洲金融智库网 > 网络安全 > 正文


时间:2022-11-02 00:05

There is no large-scale popularization of the computer before, it will lock important documents to a file cabinet or safe
Custody. With the computer, as well as the rapid development of the Internet tended to use computers and information networks
Data management. A variety of important information (such as trade secrets, patents, etc.) if not stored in the computer security measures, which just do not have access to locked file cabinet to store confidential documents. Due to the openness of the computer, such as structural characteristics and standardized so that a high degree of computer information-sharing and the spread of the characteristics of easy, resulting in the computer information (such as an important password) in the processing, storage, transmission and application of the process can easily be leaked, stolen, tampered with and destruction, or infection by computer viruses, backdoors, exploits and network hackers to bring substantial business risk. At this time, the security of your computer on to highlight the importance of it. Each computer users are more or lessviruses or Trojan horses, hackers, harassment. Brought by individuals against the loss may also not large, but for enterprises, may be drowned.

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