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时间:2021-04-19 20:24

1.法律法规 英语怎么说

Laws and regulations(法律法规)



读音:英[l?:z], 美[l?:z]


释义:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。




1、晦涩的法律法规有悖于法治和议会民主。Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.


2、他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。He is titular head, and merely signs laws occasionally.


3、中国有关法律法规明确规定了依法解决劳动争议的程序和机构。Chinese laws and regulations clearly define the procedures and organs responsible for the settlement of labor disputes.

4、法律法规的解释和执行由财政部和国家税务总局负责。The laws and regulations were interpreted and implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.

5、根据国家的法律法规和部门规章,进行安全检查表分析;Analyze the safety check list based on the national laws and regulations and departmental rules;

2.法律英语 中翻英


Only if supplier reason delay, deliver over 15 day, buyer can buy substitute products from other places.


The products, according to the aforesaid consequence caused in design the buyer's book.


In the range that the local law allows, buyer under any circumstance to income and loss and accidental, not succinct of profit any, a special one that initiate or person who punish compensation responsible for, the products, according to the aforesaid consequence caused in design the buyer's book.

3.法律英语 中翻英


Only if supplier reason delay, deliver over 15 day, buyer can buy substitute products from other places. 产品按买方的书面设计导致的前述后果除外。The products, according to the aforesaid consequence caused in design the buyer's book. 在当地法律允许的范围内,买方在任何情况下都不对任何收入和利润的损失以及偶然的、简洁的、引发的、特殊的或者惩罚性赔偿负责,产品按买方的书面设计导致的前述后果除外。

In the range that the local law allows, buyer under any circumstance to income and loss and accidental, not succinct of profit any, a special one that initiate or person who punish compensation responsible for, the products, according to the aforesaid consequence caused in design the buyer's book。.。

4.法律英语求翻译(公司法) 英译中

The doctrine of shareholder oppression attempts to safeguard the close corporation minority investor from the improper exercise of majority control. In investment model language, a specific reasonable expectation refers to an individually tailored investment bargain between a majority shareholder and a particular minority shareholder for employment, management, or some other benefit - a benefit beyond a proportionate stake in the company's earnings - that the minority shareholder will receive in return for its commitment of capital.To the contrary, a specific reasonable expectation is personal in nature, as it requires proof that a close corporation majority shareholder and a particular minority shareholder reached a mutual understanding about a certain entitlement the minority is to receive in return for its investment in the business. As mentioned, under the investment model, a specific reasonable expectation represents an individually tailored investment bargain that a majority shareholder entered into with a particular minority shareholder. Indeed, by demonstrating that it is appropriate to treat the investment of the transferor as the investment of the transferee, this Article is able to characterize a mutual understanding between a majority shareholder and a non-investing minority shareholder as a protected "investment bargain" - a bargain that can be enforced as a specific reasonable expectation. Shareholder Oppression & Reasonable Expectations: Of Change, Gifts)股东压迫试图保护非公开公司中小投资者从多数的控制不当行使原则。





好像是 第一款 本宪法授予的全部立法权,属于由参议院和众议院组成的合众国国会。

第二款 众议院由各州人民每两年选举产生的众议员组成。每个州的选举人须具备该州州议会人数最多一院选举人所必需的资格。





第三款 合众国参议院由每州州议会选举的两名参议员组成,任期六年;每名参议员有一票表决权。







第四款 举行参议员和众议员选举的时间、地点和方式,在每个州由该州议会规定。但除选举参议员的地点外,国会得随时以法律制定或改变这类规定。


第五款 每院是本院议员的选举、选举结果报告和资格的裁判者。每院议员过半数,即构成议事的法定人数;但不足法定人数时,得逐日休会,并有权按每院规定的方式和罚则,强迫缺席议员出席会议。




第六款 参议员和众议员应得到服务的报酬,此项报酬由法律确定并由合众国国库支付。他们除犯叛国罪、重罪和妨害治安罪外,在一切情况下都享有在出席各自议院会议期间和往返于各自议院途中不受逮捕的特权。他们不得因在各自议院发表的演说或辩论而在任何其他地方受到质问。


第七款 所有征税议案应首先在众议院提出,但参议院得像对其他议案一样,提出或同意修正案。


Corruption and bribery is the core of the substance and use or misuse of public power for personal gain. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in a questionnaire for the experts revealed that "corruption" in today's China is considered the first serious social problems, such crime as a social and historical phenomenon, it exists in the history of class society and a variety of different social system countries. For the prevention of such crimes, the majority of countries around the world to establish a reporting system to improve the property, my property is not to declare the system, the existing assets declaration system has great limitations, there are many defects that affect its role play.The existing cadre of income declaration system is the major shortcomings: the system only to declare, without open and the lack of legal accountability. Practice has proved that as a tool to prevent corruption of the assets declaration system only property reporting system, and lack of access to means of information disclosure to declare their property to carry out timely and appropriate public system is unable to carry out legal supervision and constraints, then the property reporting system to prevent job-related crimes, the role of the fight against corruption would be worthless. Therefore, foreign-related legal system to declare the property and experience, and improve the property's current reporting system and the concept of the legal system of containment of China isStage of the political system of some outstanding problem of corruption has a very important significance.。

7.关于法律的中文翻译成英文 谢谢

Policy 1.

National youth network civilized conventions 2.

China Internet Association Fanlaji mail norms 3.

"China's Internet industry self-discipline convention," 4.

Culture on the strengthening of the network management of the cultural market notification 5.

Internet banking management procedures 6.

Internet dissemination of audio-visual programmes, information network management 7.

Computer Information Network and the Internet security management 8.

"Computer Virus Prevention Management Measures" 9.

Secrecy Management of Computer Information Systems and International Internet provided 10.

Penal provisions for information on computer crime continued to promote the rapid development of the strategy proposed by the 16th Party Congress, "using information technology to stimulate industrialization, advance information technology through industrialization, "" priority development of the information industry, in the economic and social fields extensive application of information technology. " State Department, the Ministry of Information Industry and other relevant departments has successively promulgated a series of rules and regulations relating to the management, and effectively promoted the development of the Internet, and safeguard the order. In fee policy to allow the relevant operators for different user needs and market conditions for value-added telecommunications business-pricing. To support the development of the Internet, Internet service providers to reduce operating costs and promote the development of Internet users in the telecom fee for structural adjustment, greatly reduced the number of trunking monthly fee, business trunking monthly fee has dropped by nearly 90% of the dial-up Internet users will be unified communications are adjusted to 2 cents per minute. 70%~80% decline.


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